1-Book online:

Visit the rental website and choose the date and time for your desired rental. Fill in necessary information and complete the booking.

2-Confirmation via email:

After booking, you will receive a confirmation via email. This email will contain a unique code that you will use to pick up and return the rental.

3-Drive to the location:

Drive to the location you have selected for your booking.

4-Pick up the rental:

Upon reaching the location, look for the designated spot or area where the rental should be.

5-Use the code:

Once you have located the rental, use the code provided via email to access it. The code is typically used to unlock a lock or access electronic systems controlling the rental.

6-Perform your errands:

Use the rental as needed. Ensure that you use it responsibly and follow any relevant local laws and regulations.

7-Return the rental:

When you are done with the rental, return it to the same location where you picked it up. Make sure the rental is in good condition and that you take all your belongings with you.

8-Express your satisfaction:

Once you have completed your task, let us know if you are satisfied in any way. Your feedback is valuable to us.


Unfortunately, we do not have this option at the moment, but we are investigating whether this is possible in the future.

With us it is almost free to rent a trailer.

Price is from SEK 129 per hour

B driver's license. If you have a B driving license, you may always tow a trailer whose total weight is less than 750 kg. If your car were to weigh 3500 kg, this means that the crew can weigh up to 4250 kg together

Yes, if you park in a paid parking lot, you must also pay for the parking out of the trailer.

The maximum permissible speed with a trailer in Sweden is 80 km/h.

It varies depending on your driving license eligibility. Go to the trailer calculator at the Swedish Transport Agency.

Yes, but only at 80km/h